Are we playing golf or are we playing basketball?
Walk humbly, Seek wisdom, Act courageously
The Front Page by BG
Are we playing golf or are we playing basketball?
I was talking today with a friend who is reading the book The Advantage by Patrick Lencioni - one of my favorite leadership books. My friend was impacted by Lencioni’s statement about the fact that we overuse the word “team” when in actuality we have a working group.
A working group is more like a golf team that goes off and plays their own game and then at the end of day come together to compile their individual scores.
An actual work team is more like a basketball team - “. . .one that plays together simultaneously, in an interactive, mutually dependent, and often interchangeable way.” (Lencioni, Patrick M.. The Advantage, Enhanced Edition (J-B Lencioni Series) (p. 21). Wiley. Kindle Edition.)
So, my friend intends to start training his team how to be a team and will be asking them on a regular basis - “Are we playing golf or basketball?”.
“When the mind is wild with wind and storm sometimes the only shelter is the words on a page.” - Luci Shaw. NOTE: This quote makes me think of journaling, or just simply writing out my thoughts to slow down my mind so that I may bring some sort of order to my thinking.
“The doors of Wisdom are never shut.”
“Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.” these two quotes are by Benjamin Franklin and can be found in Poor Richard’s Almanack.
The Back Page by Lauren
Gregory Alan Isakov - Appaloosa Bones (Official Audio) - YouTube, one of the comments reads that Isakov is “like Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, and Gordon Lightfoot put together.”
Rachel Bradshaw featuring Jamey Johnson - "If I Needed You" (Official Music Video) - YouTube, this is one of my current song obsessions and the mixture of Rachel and Jamey’s voice is a dream.
River Flows In You ~ Yiruma & Henry (이루마 & 헨리) HD 720p - YouTube, this is one of those songs that seems instantly recognizable even if you aren’t sure where it’s from. This song elicits a longing, peace, joy, hope, and happiness all at the same time.
Hellman Chang — Changing the Face of American Furniture - YouTube, fascinating story about an American furniture company “Born in Brooklyn, grown in Georgia.” I could be totally wrong, yet it seems as though the pieces have just the slightest touch of both Art Deco and Art Nouveau.
Amazing Clownfish Teamwork | 4K UHD | Blue Planet II | BBC Earth - YouTube, this is incredible. I’ve never been so impressed with fish before! And, it’s definitely okay if Finding Nemo is your main reference for clownfish and anemones.
WHEN WE DANCED | Award-Winning Short Film (2023) - YouTube, this was such a moving short film. I was not prepared for its impact. A beautiful short story based around the Filipino manongs. Definitely worth 20 minutes of your time.
Inside A Castle Home, Restored After 430 Years | WSJ Mansion - YouTube, Such an enjoyable story of a couple restoring a castle in Scotland for their family. This piece of property is absolutely incredible and if only I had $1.26 million….I would become a resident of Scotland in a heartbeat.
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Until next time!
BG Allen and Lauren Allen